Home » Unlocking Your Business Potential: The Power of Alternative Finance.
Many industry sectors across the UK are benefiting from new products and innovative solutions that traditional banks aren’t able to provide:
Manufacturers who secured alternative finance increased their access to credit, which supported investment in growth initiatives, strengthening their cashflow position and boosting revenues.*
For logistics companies, alternative finance offers faster access to funding, easing cashflow pressures, reducing admin overheads, and enhancing operational efficiency.**
Wholesalers are now relying on alternative finance to bridge supplier pro-forma payment gaps and meet customer 60-day terms enhancing cashflow and revenue growth.***
multifi’s easy-to-use platform offers fixed rates and fast payments to suppliers in all major currencies taking the faff out of business finance. This has helped UK SMBs improve their cashflow, boost growth, and increase resilience.
Manufacturers, wholesalers, and logistics companies in particular are witnessing the benefits of quick access to working capital.
A leading UK distribution solutions provider with over 50 years of exporting experience had established itself as a premier global logistics partner. However, to capitalise on new growth opportunities, they needed to quickly secure additional working capital beyond what their existing lenders could provide. By partnering with multifi for flexible alternative funding, the distribution company fueled its expansion plans with an unsecured £150k cashflow facility set up in just 48 hours.
What multifi customers say:
“In the current economic climate, the traditional methods have proven difficult and across the market, there is a reluctance to help small businesses grow. multifi is quick and straightforward. The people are very knowledgable, understand the different needs of an SME, and most importantly, provide funding with a viable facility.”
Key factors that supported growth:
Fast funding with access to credit in 48 hours.
*Source: Alternative Finance and UK Manufacturing Growth (2022) by the Institute for Manufacturing at Cambridge University.
** Source: The Use of Invoice Finance in the UK Logistics Industry (2022) by the Centre for Logistics and Information Management at the University of Nottingham.
*** Source: The Impact of Fintech Factoring on SME Performance in the Wholesale Trade Industry (2023) by the University of Southampton.
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